Special Congratulations to Kris Jorgensen who has invented and developed what quite possibly could be the most influential device available to our industry in recent time. If you haven't seen his "Seam Phantom" you need to. It will change industry standard.

- Ronald Hannah, Cadenza Granite & Marble , Surface Treatment Technologies


We received our Seam Phantom last week. Wow, very nicely engineered. In 10 minutes I had it outfitted with our Makita grinder and then 5 minutes later we were backgrinding seams. I'm amazed at how easy, quick and great the seams look! Our seams have never looked better! It is now an indispensable tool in our shop!!!

- Phil Auzas, SFA, Desert Sun Natural Stone Inc.

We are using it and are very pleased with the results. After seeing it in action at Coverings, I had no doubts. Even if you think your getting tight seams without it, it will save you a lot of time attempting to achieve it.

- Mark Mihalik, SFA, Counterparts, LLC

Seam Phantom, Consistent, predictable results every time.

- Curtis Marburger, SFA

We can make virtually invisible seams. I thought we wouldn’t have the need for a Seam Phantom, but after seeing it at the show it is definitely going to have a home in our shop.

- Cameron DeMille , Natural Stone Restoration @ DeMille Marble & Granite, MIA member, SFA member


My seams were good before (at least I thought so). Now they are less than a razorblade, frickin awesome tool, A MUST HAVE!!!!!


Simply the tightest seam you can have...There is no room for improvement....

- Scott McGourley, Kasco Stone, Tampa, FL

It works so good that I call it the stone stretcher. if my slab is only 114" and I need a 118" top..... phantom it, glue it, top polish it and voila! stretched stone.


If I'm running a top of the line CNC and I'm seriously considering buying a hand tool that can compete with it I think nothing more needs to be said.

- Trask Bergerson, Bergerson Tile & Stone

Seams with the Seam Phantom are unmatchable. While other methods may produce excellent results, the Seam Phantom is top notch equipment. In this day and age with current standards and economic conditions, everyone should use it

-G. Cooper; Shop foreman, Grateful employee of Moonlight Tile and Stone, Cashmere Washington

For those of you that have CNC's and know what you are doing with tooling, then you know that you can get sick seams with your CNC. But I will tell you that you can get super silly sick seams with the Phantom.

- Dustin Braudway, SFA, MIA, NTCA, Cape Fear Marble and Tile, Inc


Buy the Seam Phantom!!! If you haven't you're missing out. If you have the Gorilla Grips and you're not using a Seam Phantom you're still playing in the sandbox. It's a system. I'm not going to say you can't do this some other way but this is a very easy to learn and repeatable way of making "invisible" seams.

-Reuben Flax, SFA, Sinai Marble & Granite. Baltimore Maryland

All I can say is "wow". It is truly a help in our shop. Better dressed seam & faster says it all. Thanks for sharing the tech and the knowledge.

- Dan Riccolo, SFA

Wow awesome customer service, I appreciate the quick response! I will order the part immediately. 

- Gordon Sabga, Luxury Finishes Design Center

"I just bought the Sink Bull and Seam Phantom and used them for the first job this past week. All the guys at NSI should be so proud and excited about the products they have developed! Those two pieces of equipment are "TOP NOTCH!". I am proud to own them and exuberant  about using them on a day to day basis! It has changed my business!"

Thank you to all of your staff!

- Justin Mincey TSC Granite and Marble